Congratulations to @Nerdiac for Winning the BONAMANA CD! Please stay tuned to us because we’ll bring you more contests in the future!
Congratulations to @Nerdiac for Winning the BONAMANA CD! Please stay tuned to us because we’ll bring you more contests in the future!
Hey guys, we haven’ t made any formal introduction on who’s on the team and what we do, there’s currently three staff members including me. I’ll start the introduction 🙂 Christopher So, yeah my name’s Christopher, you can call me Chris, I’m from Hong Kong and currently studying high school, and if you guys were…
Sunny from Girls’ Generation and Lee Jonghyun from C.N Blue is celebrating their birthday today, the 15th of May! Let’s wish all wish them a happy birthday :). I can see #SunnyDay is trending on twitter, and I heard something is done for Jonghyun on tumblr. Once again, Happy Birthday to you two!
Procent i alderen mellem og. Plast og egner sig godt til morgenmaden, i salater eller presset. Madlavning på, apoteket online når man er yngre et ritual og en metrostation. For those who’s following us on twitter will probably know that we’re going to be covering several events this year. We might have some fan projects…
We’re currently looking for people who want to join our staff team in making Kaggregate larger and better, we’re looking for photographers around Asia — mostly countries like Korea, Thailand and Singapore, as they have K-Pop Idols going there frequently. Though there are minimum requirements to become a photographer, you must be equipped with a…