The 2012 Girls’ Generation Tour in Hong Kong will be taking place on January 15h 2012 at Asia World Expo Arena at 8pm, tickets will be on sale on (Friday) December 2nd 2011. The tickets on sale include $1480 (standing), $1480(sitting), $1280, $980 and $680.
Besides fans from China, Taiwan and Hong Kong who are coming to the Hong Kong Concert, fans from other countries in Asia such as Malaysia, Singapore, Japan and Korea etc. and even fans from across the world in America and Paris are anticipating to come and watch the Girls’ Generation Tour in Hong Kong. Girls’ Generation’s popularity has exceeded not only Korea, but Asia and has become an international star and icon for kpop.
Girls Generation had their concert in September this year at Taiwan the second time. Unfortunately, Sooyoung was absent due to a car accident beforehand. Even though Girls’ Generation only had 8 of their members on stage, fans were nonetheless satisfied and excited to meet their idols. This time, all 9 of the members would be performing in the Hong Kong Tour which is anticipated to be even more satisfying and exhilarating.
Girls’ Generation has recently promoted their new album “The Boys” which won 5 consecutive weeks in the Korean music charts. They were also granted the most popular KPOP group 2011 in Japan beating groups like KARA, FTIsland and CNBlue, showing their utmost popularity in Japan as well as Korea.
Moreover, the show “Star Life Theatre” on KBS has revealed the girls journey to becoming the sexy, beautiful, talented goddesses they are now. In the show, we can see the girls when they first debuted. Their childlike faces with a little bit of baby fat and not a lot of makeup on were perceived very positively by the netizens saying “they were just as cute 4 years ago”, “they were so innocent and pure”, “they are so likable both now and then”, “they don’t look that much different from 4 years ago” etc.
So far, Hong Kong will be the only place in China that is hosting the Girls Generation’s second Asia tour, so Hong Kong will be the last stop in China, if you don’t want to miss out on the chance of seeing the girls, you better take advantage of this!
《2012 Girls’ Generation Tour》
香港站將於2012年1月15日晚上8時假亞洲博覽館Arena 舉行,門票將於2011年12月2日
(星期五)正式公開發售。 公開發售的門票包括$1480(企位)、$1480(坐位)、$1280、$980及$680各種票價任君選擇。
除了中港台的少時歌迷踴躍組織香港站演唱會的門票團購外,近至亞洲各地如馬來西亞、新加坡、日本以及韓國等等, 甚至遠到美國紐約和巴黎亦有歌迷準備購票並來港觀賞少女時代的演 出,她們的知名度可謂紅遍全球。 少女時代在剛過去的9月第二度於台灣舉行一連三場的演唱會,
成員秀英由於在前遇上車禍受傷未能出席, 但是少女時代的8缺1陣容亦無損歌迷的熱情, 相信全體成員出席的香港站定必令歌迷擁有更好的回憶。 最近少女時代不但憑其的推出全新專輯《The Boys》於韓國音樂榜獲得連續五週第一位,
FTIsland、CNBlue登上Best 1,獲得2011年日本最高人氣KPOP女子組合的榮譽,於日本也是人氣爆燈。 另外,
擁有著性感迷人形象的少女時代4年的純情模樣被韓國當地的電視台 透過綜藝節目「明星人生劇場」公開了! 片段中可見少女時代初初出道的模樣, 一臉稚氣的她們那時還有點Baby
,而臉上只是化著淡淡的妝,不少網友們看了該放送後都紛紛表示「少女時代4年前也一樣可愛」、「她們4年前很純潔喔」、「 無論是過去還是現在都一樣討人喜歡」、「 她們4年前跟現在的模樣看來沒有多大的變化呢」等等的讚賞字句。 目前,
少女時代的第二次亞洲巡迴演唱會繼香港站之後表示不會在中國舉行 ,所以香港將成為大中華的最後一站, 不想錯失觀賞機會的歌迷必須要把握良機!