So you guys heard that After School and F.Cuz were coming to Singapore for the Sundown Festival 2010.
Well, Kaggregate has been invited to the press conference of the Sundown Festival 2010! 😀
Here’s the thing, all you readers are invited to ‘join’ us!
Drop us questions in the comments that you would want us to ask After School or F.Cuz, or both!
If your question gets picked by us, of course we’ll have something for you guys to win. 😀
- A pair of tickets to the Sundown Festival (X1) [Singaporeans only]
- HQ unwatermarked picture of the group/member of your choice. (X5)
What are you waiting for? It’s your chance for After School and F.Cuz to answer your questions!
- Follow us on Twitter @Kaggregate
- Become a fan of us on Facebook – HERE.
- Retweet this:
“Follow @Kaggregate to get a chance to ask After School and FCuz qns and win tix to Sundown fest! More:”
Comment below with the following:
- Twitter username
- Facebook name
- Country you are currently residing in
- Questions for After School/F.Cuz (Please state who you want to direct the question to)
Here’s some rules though,
- Only 1 comment per person (Maximum of 3 questions per person).
- Please state in your comments which country you are from.
- There will be 6 winners in all. (3 questions for AS and 3 questions for F.Cuz)
- The staff and I will pick the best post and decide who wins.
- Contest will last from July 8th 1000 ~ July 25th 2359 (KST)
- Please read carefully, and good luck!