We all know that with different K-Pop Idols, come with different fan clubs and communities. I think K-Pop in general has one of the most active groups on the internet, just look on twitter, fans get topics trending to the top within minutes. Okay.. maybe not top because of Justin Beaver, but it’s pretty amazing how many people are out there. Also look at the amount of forums there are, and the amount of people that are members, one of the largest international forums, Soshified almost has 90,000 members worldwide, also our affiliated forums, OneTVXQ! has more than 15,000 registered members.
Not only the amount of members, but also what they do, K-Poppers has a lot of projects that they do for their idols, I know some are making a fan-photobook, some are aggregating.. or kaggregating pictures and messages; sending them to their idols. I don’t think other popular music communities are as hardcore and dedicated as us. We’re insane.
I hope you enjoyed this post, and remember the Xiah Junsu Solo CD contest is ending in one day, and stay tuned to us for the Super Junior 4th CD Contest!
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KPOP is so special !
specially because the concept !
KPOP is so special !
specially because the concept !