According to a reputable SONE, @bossa747, he talked to a Korean SONE who has connection with Taeyeon.
This is what he said:
To Singapore Sones:
I talked to a fellow K-sone who has connection with Taeyeon. He says Taeyeon wasn’t really mad at some SG Sones who stalked her and her family. However Taeyeon said she was sorry to her family for the trouble.
Also, Taeyeon didn’t depart from SG earlier because of SG Sones. Her departure was just as planned.
Actually she said she enjoyed herself in Singapore and loved Universal Studios and all that!
Please RT this for SG Sones 🙂 Thank you!
So I guess SG Sones don’t need to go stalk her now, let’s all hope the girls will visit Singapore some day!