Due to internal disagreement between Korean Organizer Happy Entertainment and Korean Radio Station WBS89.7, the latter party has decided to pullout from “WBS Concert: K-Pop Storm Live in Malaysia 2012”. The Korean Organizer Happy Entertainment decided to postpone the concert ‘K-Pop Storm Live In Malaysia’ after much consideration.
Original schedule of K-Pop Storm Live in Malaysia on Tuesday,
Once again, Korean Organizer Happy Entertainment and the team would like to apology for all the inconveniences caused by the unforseen circumstances. For more updated information, please log on to the official Facebook page:www.facebook.com/KPopStorm,
Happy Entertainment will notify the audience of any new information regarding the concert.
由於活動發起單位WBS 89.7電台決定退出《WBS Concert: K-Pop Storm in Live Malaysia 2012》,事出突然,主辦單位Happy Entertainment決定將演唱會延期至2013年!
《WBS Concert: K-Pop Storm in Live Malaysia 2012》原定於2012年11月6日(星期二)於雙威樂園隆重開唱,但由於發起單位退出的緣故,演唱會必須延期至明年,據主辦單位表示,活動將延期至明年(2013年),詳情將待內部商議及確定參與歌手的檔期後再向大眾宣布。
對此,Happy Entertainment 對已經購買入門票的觀眾朋友致以萬二分的歉意,對於堅持退票的觀眾朋友,Happy Entertainment也絕對尊重其意願。主辦單位將於日内宣佈正確退票日期,屆時持票人必須領著入門票或單據(未領票者)前往.Ticket Charge 指定售票處以便退換現金。
對於活動延期之消息,所造成社会各界及公众的影響及不便,主辦單位Happy Entertainment表示最诚挚的歉意,並希望各界人士能夠給予諒解。任何詳情,請留意演唱會官方面子書www.facebook.com/KPopStorm ,主辦單位將會在官方面子書回應以及發布有關演唱會的最新消息。